
Welcome to the World of Charles

About Me

Hi there, I am computer science student at the University of Windsor. I expect to graduate 2023 with a bachelors in Honours Computer Science with Coop. With my drive to apply what I learn and do my best, I try my best to accomplish tasks in the most effient way. Along with studies, I have various hobbies including photography, videography, and learning various ways I can apply what I learn in class. As a result, I have various projects I am proud of.

Charles Derrick Dickson Corro
I was born May 6, 2000.
Toronto, ON.


List of Skills

  • Proficent in C,Python,HTML, CSS and Java
  • Hardworking
  • Detail oriented
  • Capable of working in a team mentality enviornment
  • Able to work in a fast pace environment
  • Results-oriented and gives quality service delivery

Work Experience

  • Old Navy ~ 2017 - 2018 Summer
    Sales Assocate
    • Assisted coustomers with inquiries
    • located merchandise
    • organized and maintained stands
  • WCRC ~ 2014 - 2018
    Jr Audio and Visual Assistant
    • recorded sermons and events like holiday services, weddings, and music nights
    • Worked with sound system set up and clean up
    • distributed audio to community
  • Elections Ontario - 2018 June
    Poll Clerk
    • Recorded and sorted Information of voters
    • Followed govermental procedure to calculate and count votes
  • University of Windsor - 2019 fall to present
    Teaching Assistant
    • Assessed and Graded students’ assignments and quizzes
    • Provided teaching support during office hours
    • Helped with students’ understanding of the subject


  • Resume Website (this website)
  • Esports Tournament
  • Currently working on a game in java
  • Currently developing an app


  • Attended the CUCSC 2019
  • Participated in Design to Win 2018 and Code to Win 2019t
  • Participated in Citizen Hacks 2019
  • Technical Coordinator of the Developers Student Club powered by Google
